Unit 1 We laughed into tears.綜合練習-2020-2021年中職英語高教版基礎模塊第二冊

        發(fā)布日期:2023-03-30  來源:  瀏覽次數(shù):299



        1My uncle lived in the top mountain.

        A.大山 B 河流 C 平原

        2.I like the fresh air on the beach.

        A 城市 B 海灘 C 樹木

        3.Can you tell me something about your vacation?

        A 假期 B 工作 C

        4.How  wonderful. The game is so exciting.

        A 精彩的 B 無聊的 C 興奮的

        5.He likes to help others as a volunteer.

        A 自愿者 B 商人C 司機

        6.Did you go         yesterday?

        A fishing B fish C.fishes

        7.We played        tennis very well yesterday.

        A the B. a C.

        8.       did you go? I went to Hainan.

        A Where B.Who C.how

        9.What is the weather like? It’s       .

        A.hot  B.long C. short

        10.My parents love skiing. And I enjoyed         .

        A.swim B. swimming C.to swim




        1My uncle lived in the top mountain.

        A.大山 B 河流 C 平原

        2.I like the fresh air on the beach.

        A 城市 B 海灘 C 樹木

        3.Can you tell me something about your vacation?

        A 假期 B 工作 C

        4.How  wonderful. The game is so exciting.

        A 精彩的 B 無聊的 C 興奮的

        5.He likes to help others as a volunteer.

        A 自愿者 B 商人C 司機

        6.Did you go         yesterday?

        A fishing B fish C.fishes

        7.We played        tennis very well yesterday.

        A the B. a C.

        8.       did you go? I went to Hainan.

        A Where B.Who C.how

        9.What is the weather like? It’s       .

        A.hot  B.long C. short

        10.My parents love skiing. And I enjoyed         .

        A.swim B. swimming C.to swim



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