Unit 2 Transportation 單詞講解講義-2022-2023學(xué)年中職英語高教版(2021)基礎(chǔ)模塊1

        發(fā)布日期:2023-03-29  來源:  瀏覽次數(shù):267

        Unit 2

        address/??dres/ n.地址,住址

        email address 電子郵箱信箱

        ip address 網(wǎng)絡(luò)地址,IP地址

        home address 家庭住址

        l  What's your name and address ? 你的姓名、住址?

        l  Write down the address before you forget it. 把地址記下來,免得忘了。

        airport/?e?p??t/ n.機場,航空站 (港)

        international airport 國際機場

        airport bus 機場巴士;機場班車

        airport terminal 航站樓;機場候機樓

        l  They arrived late at the airport. 他們晚到了機場。

        l  We managed to get to the airport in time. 我們設(shè)法及時趕到了機場。

        l  There is a regular bus service to the airport. 有班車定時發(fā)往機場。

        change/t?e?nd?/  v.改變;更換;換乘;兌換,找零


        climate change 氣候變化;氣候變遷

        change for v. 交換

        change into 變成;把變成;兌換

        l  Where do I have to change? 我該在哪兒換車?

        l  You have to change trains at Reading. 你得在雷丁換乘火車。

        l  We can't change our plans now. 我們現(xiàn)在不能改變計劃了。


        Unit 2

        address/??dres/ n.地址,住址

        email address 電子郵箱信箱

        ip address 網(wǎng)絡(luò)地址,IP地址

        home address 家庭住址

        l  What's your name and address ? 你的姓名、住址?

        l  Write down the address before you forget it. 把地址記下來,免得忘了。

        airport/?e?p??t/ n.機場,航空站 (港)

        international airport 國際機場

        airport bus 機場巴士;機場班車

        airport terminal 航站樓;機場候機樓

        l  They arrived late at the airport. 他們晚到了機場。

        l  We managed to get to the airport in time. 我們設(shè)法及時趕到了機場。

        l  There is a regular bus service to the airport. 有班車定時發(fā)往機場。

        change/t?e?nd?/  v.改變;更換;換乘;兌換,找零


        climate change 氣候變化;氣候變遷

        change for v. 交換

        change into 變成;把變成;兌換

        l  Where do I have to change? 我該在哪兒換車?

        l  You have to change trains at Reading. 你得在雷丁換乘火車。

        l  We can't change our plans now. 我們現(xiàn)在不能改變計劃了。



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