Unit 2 Transportation Listening and Speaking 教案-2022-2023學(xué)年中職高一上學(xué)期英語(yǔ)高教版(2021)基礎(chǔ)模塊1

        發(fā)布日期:2023-03-29  來(lái)源:  瀏覽次數(shù):624

         Unit2   transportation  part1

                             Listening and speaking 教案


        知識(shí)目標(biāo):To learn the words, expressions and important sentences about asking for and giving ones abilities

        能力目標(biāo):To ask for personal information and talk about abilities

        情感態(tài)度價(jià)值觀:To hold a positive attitude toward ones own abilities


        Help Ss to learn words and expressions:

        speak Chinese, drive cars, repair computers, teach English, read in Chinese, serve customers.


        To understand the dialogue about asking for and describe ones abilities


        教學(xué)方法:Audio Visual Approach; Audio-Lingual Method

        教學(xué)手段: Computer, PPT, tape recorder, blackboard

        Step 1     lead-in   

        1) Show Ss a group of pictures ask Ss to describe them in Ex1.

        2) Get Ss to listen and circle what Ben can do in Ex2.

        3) Ask Ss to talk about what they can do in Ex3.

        4) Ask Ss to learn the expressions.

        Step 2   Dialogue A     

        1) Ask Ss to listen and tick in Ex4.

        2) Ask Ss to read and circle in Ex5.

        3) Ask Ss to read dialogue A and underline in Ex6.


         Unit2   transportation  part1

                             Listening and speaking 教案


        知識(shí)目標(biāo):To learn the words, expressions and important sentences about asking for and giving ones abilities

        能力目標(biāo):To ask for personal information and talk about abilities

        情感態(tài)度價(jià)值觀:To hold a positive attitude toward ones own abilities


        Help Ss to learn words and expressions:

        speak Chinese, drive cars, repair computers, teach English, read in Chinese, serve customers.


        To understand the dialogue about asking for and describe ones abilities


        教學(xué)方法:Audio Visual Approach; Audio-Lingual Method

        教學(xué)手段: Computer, PPT, tape recorder, blackboard

        Step 1     lead-in   

        1) Show Ss a group of pictures ask Ss to describe them in Ex1.

        2) Get Ss to listen and circle what Ben can do in Ex2.

        3) Ask Ss to talk about what they can do in Ex3.

        4) Ask Ss to learn the expressions.

        Step 2   Dialogue A     

        1) Ask Ss to listen and tick in Ex4.

        2) Ask Ss to read and circle in Ex5.

        3) Ask Ss to read dialogue A and underline in Ex6.



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