Unit 8 Reading and Writing 教案-2021-2022學年中職英語高教版(2021)基礎模塊1

        發(fā)布日期:2023-03-21  來源:  瀏覽次數(shù):262





        Unit 8 People and Event  Reading and Writing


        Knowledge goal: Students can read narrative texts of characters and events, and extract key information as needed for comparison, analysis, and judgment: Master the stylistic and linguistic features of narrative texts of characters and events.

        Ability goal: Students can use the reading strategy of grasping time markers, and with the help of infographics such as timelines, sort out the key information of the text organized in chronological order, and complete the filling in the summary of key information

        Emotional goal: Through analysis, comparison, and judgment, cultivate students' logical thinking ability and reasoning and judgment ability, and establish correct understanding and values by understanding the content of Zhan Tianyou's articles on building the Beijing-Zhangjiakou Railway over many difficulties.






        Unit 8 People and Event  Reading and Writing


        Knowledge goal: Students can read narrative texts of characters and events, and extract key information as needed for comparison, analysis, and judgment: Master the stylistic and linguistic features of narrative texts of characters and events.

        Ability goal: Students can use the reading strategy of grasping time markers, and with the help of infographics such as timelines, sort out the key information of the text organized in chronological order, and complete the filling in the summary of key information

        Emotional goal: Through analysis, comparison, and judgment, cultivate students' logical thinking ability and reasoning and judgment ability, and establish correct understanding and values by understanding the content of Zhan Tianyou's articles on building the Beijing-Zhangjiakou Railway over many difficulties.



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