Unit 7 So much to do before we travel! Listening and speaking 學案-2020-2021學年中職英語高教版基礎模塊第二冊

        發(fā)布日期:2023-03-27  來源:  瀏覽次數(shù):292

        Unit 7 So much to do before we travel!

                           Listening and Speaking               

        Learning Objectives

        1.review the items;

        2.talk about travel plans;

        3.accept and refuse suggestion

        Important and Difficult Points

        1.talk about travel plans and make suggestions;

        2.make a dialogue according to the situation given


        Learning Procedures

        Step Think about the following questions

        Q1: Do you like travel?


        Q2: Did you go sightseeing during holidays?


        Q3: Where did you go? / Which place do you want to go?


        Q4: How will you prepare for traveling?



        Step Discuss what to bring when you visit beach,forest, countryside and big cities?




        4.big city                                                           


        Step   Listening

        Listen to the dialogue and finish Activity 3, 4 &5

        1. Activity 3: What are Cindy and Annie talking about?


        2. Activity 4: What will they take?


        3. Activity 5

        (1) Why does Cindy suggest to climb mountain?


        (2) Where does Annie suggest to go?



        Step  Dialogue



        (1)what about 意為          ,用于提建議,相當于             

        句子翻譯:這個周末去游泳怎么樣?                                 ?       

        (2)tiring tired的比較。        修飾物,         修飾人,


        句子翻譯:她討厭這種生活。                                       .


        (3) need作為及物動詞意為           

        句子翻譯:你需要吃點藥。                                          .

        (4) take a photo / take photos意為         



        (5) book作為名詞意思是       ,作為動詞意思為          

        句子翻譯:我們定飯店嗎?                                        .  






        Step Show Time ( make a dialogue about your one-week plan)



        1.需要帶的物品:tent, food, drink, food for animals, warmer clothes,camera, medicine

        2.活動: relax, enjoy the singing of birds



        1.需要帶的物品:food, drink, food for fish, sunglasses, camera

        2.活動:boating, fishing


        地點三: downtown city

        1.需要帶的物品: comfortable shoes, cash, credit card

        2.活動:shopping, seeing a movie, eating in a good restaurant


        TipA:  Hi. well be on holiday next week.

              What about________?

             B :  Thats ________.  I really like  ____ too.  

              What do we need to take with us?

             A:  _____________.

             B: Sure. And what activities shall we do during

             the holiday?

             A: Lets  ________.

             B: Thats cool!


        Step Ⅵ Homework

        Recite the dialogue on page 116

        Unit 7 So much to do before we travel!

                           Listening and Speaking               

        Learning Objectives

        1.review the items;

        2.talk about travel plans;

        3.accept and refuse suggestion

        Important and Difficult Points

        1.talk about travel plans and make suggestions;

        2.make a dialogue according to the situation given


        Learning Procedures

        Step Think about the following questions

        Q1: Do you like travel?


        Q2: Did you go sightseeing during holidays?


        Q3: Where did you go? / Which place do you want to go?


        Q4: How will you prepare for traveling?



        Step Discuss what to bring when you visit beach,forest, countryside and big cities?




        4.big city                                                           


        Step   Listening

        Listen to the dialogue and finish Activity 3, 4 &5

        1. Activity 3: What are Cindy and Annie talking about?


        2. Activity 4: What will they take?


        3. Activity 5

        (1) Why does Cindy suggest to climb mountain?


        (2) Where does Annie suggest to go?



        Step  Dialogue



        (1)what about 意為          ,用于提建議,相當于             

        句子翻譯:這個周末去游泳怎么樣?                                 ?       

        (2)tiring tired的比較。        修飾物,         修飾人,


        句子翻譯:她討厭這種生活。                                       .


        (3) need作為及物動詞意為           

        句子翻譯:你需要吃點藥。                                          .

        (4) take a photo / take photos意為         



        (5) book作為名詞意思是       ,作為動詞意思為          

        句子翻譯:我們定飯店嗎?                                        .  






        Step Show Time ( make a dialogue about your one-week plan)



        1.需要帶的物品:tent, food, drink, food for animals, warmer clothes,camera, medicine

        2.活動: relax, enjoy the singing of birds



        1.需要帶的物品:food, drink, food for fish, sunglasses, camera

        2.活動:boating, fishing


        地點三: downtown city

        1.需要帶的物品: comfortable shoes, cash, credit card

        2.活動:shopping, seeing a movie, eating in a good restaurant


        TipA:  Hi. well be on holiday next week.

              What about________?

             B :  Thats ________.  I really like  ____ too.  

              What do we need to take with us?

             A:  _____________.

             B: Sure. And what activities shall we do during

             the holiday?

             A: Lets  ________.

             B: Thats cool!


        Step Ⅵ Homework

        Recite the dialogue on page 116


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