Unit 7 Invention and Innovation Reading and Writing 教案-2022-2023學(xué)年中職高一下學(xué)期英語高教版(2021)基礎(chǔ)模塊2

        發(fā)布日期:2023-03-27  來源:  瀏覽次數(shù):274

        Unit 7 Invention and Innovation

         Reading and Writing



        1. ss can understand the creation of new things and try to compare and make a summary about it.

        2. ss can have the right attitude towards our society.


        Ss can make a summary of the structure of the text.


        Step 1 Warming up


        Step 2 Pre-reading

        Think and discuss.

        Step 3 While-reading

        1. Read and choose.

        2. Ss choose the right answer of the pictures and the teacher give introductions.

        2. Read and complete.

        1)ss read the text again and skim the passage ,then try to make a mind map about the text.

        3. Read and decide

        Unit 7 Invention and Innovation

         Reading and Writing



        1. ss can understand the creation of new things and try to compare and make a summary about it.

        2. ss can have the right attitude towards our society.


        Ss can make a summary of the structure of the text.


        Step 1 Warming up


        Step 2 Pre-reading

        Think and discuss.

        Step 3 While-reading

        1. Read and choose.

        2. Ss choose the right answer of the pictures and the teacher give introductions.

        2. Read and complete.

        1)ss read the text again and skim the passage ,then try to make a mind map about the text.

        3. Read and decide


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