Unit 5 Celebrations 教案-2021-2022學(xué)年中職英語高教版(2021)基礎(chǔ)模塊1

        發(fā)布日期:2023-03-28  來源:  瀏覽次數(shù):480

        Teaching content : Listening and Speaking

        Teaching aims : Knowledge aim , ability aim and emotional aim .

        Knowledge aims :

        1、Students can listen and understand the dialogue about the time , place and arrangement of celebrations .

        2、Students can use the basic words and sentences of making and refusing a invitation .

        Ability aims :

        1、Students can talk about the information about time , place and arrangement of celebrations .

        2、Students can talk about the ideas of celebrations with classmates .

        3、Students can complete the dialogue about inviting and attending a celebration .

        Emotional aims:

        Students can know the culture and basic manners about party .


        Teaching content : Listening and Speaking

        Teaching aims : Knowledge aim , ability aim and emotional aim .

        Knowledge aims :

        1、Students can listen and understand the dialogue about the time , place and arrangement of celebrations .

        2、Students can use the basic words and sentences of making and refusing a invitation .

        Ability aims :

        1、Students can talk about the information about time , place and arrangement of celebrations .

        2、Students can talk about the ideas of celebrations with classmates .

        3、Students can complete the dialogue about inviting and attending a celebration .

        Emotional aims:

        Students can know the culture and basic manners about party .



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